

Collaborative working is the key to getting the very best results, Achieving the highest quality from the most experienced and talented people in the industry.

SiTunes makes music for broadcast TV and Film productions. We work to brief and supply into broadcast networks, channels and productions globally. How we do this is by working together, conceiving concepts, composing and capturing performances and producing the recorded tracks into superior industry ready productions. 

To meet the needs of todays TV and film productions we work with the very best people. People with talent and experience. There are many special talents required to achieve the broad variety of productions we create. Session players, engineers, lyricists, melody makers and creative minds are needed to achieve the very best results. We are blessed with very talented and experienced specialists who collaborate and allow each others talents to shine.

Working Together

Collaborative working is the key to getting the very best results, Achieving the highest quality from the most experienced and talented people in the industry.

Music played by humans

So much of modern music is produced on a computer based platform and only requires a single individual to create epic productions.

This approach to music production is enjoyed by us all and is a very powerful tool to affordably create work that would not normally be made.

SiTunes takes this approach much further by incorporating real live musicians, playing live, together and creating additional music with feel, dynamic and danger, the unexpected the unusual.

Qualities only fallible unpredictable humans can supply, Qualities that listeners subconsciously cannot deny and love.

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